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Web Camera Guide Below are some specific tips for getting web cameras to work with the iQ or F.Series with IMC. Using Web Camera Links from Websites | Network/Internet webcams that work by refreshing a static image can be added to the iQ and F.Series to display on the TS.15 (iQ only), TS.N panels and IMCs. Not all web cameras will work however. Cameras that use Macromedia Flash and Windows Media Video streams for example will not work.
| To add a camera, navigate to the website that has it. Right click on the image to reveal its properties.
| When the properties are displayed, copy the URL it displays for the image.
| | Load the ReQuest web server Settings page and select Widgets.
| | Give a name for the web camera, and paste the URL into the "Web Address" field.
. Axis Cameras | AXIS cameras allow you to set the image type (Single or Motion) as well as the resolution. For best results, we recommend Single mode at the highest possible resolution.
| - After setting up the camera, return to the camera's homepage http://[camera-ip-address]
- Right-click the image.
- Select "Copy Image Location"
- Open Notepad or any other text editor
- Paste the URL into the text editor. The URL will look something like this:
- http://[camera-ip-address]/axis-cgi/jpg/image.cgi?camera =&1185996572392
- Remove everything after the image.cgi, including the '?'
- Copy the remaining URL into the Web Address field of the Web Cam settings on the ReQuest web server.
Panasonic Cameras | By default Panasonic cameras use what is known as a Motion JPEG image. Essentially, what this does is create a constant stream of images to the browser when a single image request is made. This type of image is not supported by the ReQuest system. However, Panasonic cameras have a hidden URL that allows you to access a single JPEG image.
| - Access the camera's home page at http://[camera-ip-address]
- Select "Single" from the tabs at the top
- Select the proper resolution for the image using the links down the left
- When you see the image you want to use, right-click the image and select "Copy Image Location"
- Open Notepad or any other text editor & paste the URL into the text editor. The URL will look something like this:
- http://[camera-ip-address]/nphMotionJpeg?Resolution =640x 480&Quality=Standard
- Replace nphMotionJpeg with SnapshotJpeg in the URL. It should now look like this:
- http://[camera-ip-address]/SnapshotJpeg?Resolution=640x480&Quality=Standard
- Copy this URL into the Web Address field of the Web Cam settings on the ReQuest web server.
Handling Web Cameras with Username and Password | If the camera is setup to prompt for a username and password, add username:password at the beginning of the URL.
For example, if the username is "frontdoor" and the password is "12345", on a Panasonic camera (at the URL might look like:
See also