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Server Network Configuration Guide An IP address is a unique way of assigning any device to your network. Every device on your network must have one and just like a home phone number, the IP address must be unique for every device on your network. Sometimes your router will pick the addressing information for you, this is call DHCP, and sometimes you will need to assign a specific IP address manually that will never change unless you go into the device and change it yourself. This is called assigning an IP address statically.
Checking Router DHCP Range | Most routers have a specific range of
addresses (which can usually be set by the administrator) that it will
use to assign to devices on the network. When assigning the ReQuest
server an IP address, choose an address outside if this range. |
| | In Linksys routers, there is often a
"Basic Setup" page. The Starting IP address can be set, as well as the
maximum. The router will assign address beginning at the starting
Addresses between ( - or
( - would be good static IP values in this
example. |  | | NetGear routers typically have a "LAN IP Setup" page that allows the starting and ending IP range to be set.
Addresses between ( - would be good static IP values in this example. |
Establishing IP information for the ReQuest Server
| There are a few different ways to figure
out on your own which IP address will work but the easiest way is to
see what settings your computer is using. If you are using a Windows
OS based PC, here is the easiest way to find the networking information.
| Click on the “Start” button and then click on “Run…”
| The Run dialog box will pop up. Type in cmd & click on the “OK” button. | 
| | A black window will pop up. In the picture below I get the prompt with a drive letter. Type in ipconfig /all and press enter.
| Scroll down to the Ethernet adaptor Local Area Connection
section. In our example, the IP address is computer is In
most home installations, the common IP scheme is 192.168.1.x or
192.168.0.x. The only important thing is that you assign an IP address
that will work for your router and your network. For our network we
know that we need to assign an IP address of 10.1.3.x and that we
should only change the very last number.
| Establishing the Server IP Address Your router has a set amount of IP
addresses it considers part of its DHCP pool. These are the numbers it
will try to assign automatically to any device you plug into the
network. You want to try and assign an address that is outside of this
range. Since my PC was assigned, I can assume that the DHCP
range goes between – To be safe, I would assign my
ReQuest device an IP address of or higher. Likewise if I
found my computer to have the IP address of, to be safe, I
would assign my ReQuest device an IP address of or lower.
Just do not assign an IP any higher then .254. Based on this analysis,
make note of what IP you would like to assign the server.
Establishing the Server Subnet Mask, Gateway These
numbers should be exactly the same as on your ReQuest device and your
computer. Since my computer has a subnet of and a
gateway address of, I will assign these exact same numbers to
my ReQuest unit. Based on this analysis,
make note of what Subnet and Gateway you should assign the server.
Note: The gateway address is the IP address of your router since your router acts as your gateway to the outside world.
Establishing the Server DNS Address The DNS address is
how your PC and you ReQuest device get out onto the internet and the
outside world. It is very much like having to dial ‘9’ from your
office phone before you dial an outside number. My computer has 2
options, & so I can try to use either of these
for the DNS on my ReQuest unit. Sometimes a DNS address will expire,
so it is possible that I will have to try both of them before I find
one that works. Based on this analysis,
make note of what DNS you should assign the server.
Frequently there will be only one DNS number
listed for your computer and it will be the same as your gateway. This
means that anytime your ReQuest device tries to get out onto the
internet, it will refer back to your gateway (aka your router) for the
proper information to get out. This works well for many routers but
not all.
Note: There is also a public DNS address that you can
try. It should work with any network. This DNS address is If you have any trouble using the same DNS
addresses as your computer is using, try rebooting your router by
unplugging it and then plugging it back in again. Then reboot your
ReQuest server and try again. |  | | Finally, you need to test if the IP chosen is not already taken. On the prompt below the IP information, type in ping <selected IP address> and press enter. If the Request timed out, the IP address is available for use.
See also